龍門司焼 guinomi





Production region:Kajikicity in Kagoshima
Material:Ryumonji ware, poterry
Size:φ75 × H52
Box:W89 × D89 × H77mm
※Wooden gift‐boxed

Ryumonji pottery has a history of over 300 years in Kajiki Town, Aira City, Kagoshima Prefecture. The clay is refined by mixing clay from the village of Ryumonji with rocks from the town border in a unique ratio to produce the clay. Clay with a high shrinkage rate of 25% is used.

The Jirota Kiln is a kiln that uses a variety of glazes and techniques, which is rare in Japan. In particular, the glazes have been improved not only by inheriting the recipe, but also through hard work and study. The white scorpion glaze refers to the black glaze that can be seen between the cracks in the white muddy glaze. It is a glazing technique that utilizes the difference in shrinkage rates during firing and cooling, and has been handed down from one generation to the next.

There are many ceramic production sites throughout Japan, and KIRI's guinomi series is a collection of gupin (Japanese-style teacups) that we have collected one by one while visiting the kilns directly in the areas that produce many traditional crafts. The clay and glaze characteristics differ depending on the region of production, so please find a guinomi that suits your taste.


生産地 鹿児島県姶良市加治木町
大きさ:φ75 × H52
箱:W89 × D89 × H77mm

龍門司焼は鹿児島県姶良市加治木町で300年以上の歴史を持つ焼き物です。 陶土は龍門司の里から採取した粘土と町境から採取した岩とを独自の比率で混ぜ合わせ精製し粘土を製造しています。 収縮率が25%と高い収縮率の土を使用しています。

龍門司焼 次郎太窯は全国でも珍しく多彩な釉薬と技法を用いる窯です。 特に釉薬においては、ただ調合法を受け継ぐだけではなく努力と研鑽により改良されております。 白蛇蝎釉とは白濁釉の亀裂の間に黒色釉が見えるものを指します。白濁釉と黒色釉を二重掛けして,両者の焼成・冷却時の収縮率の違いを利用した施釉技法で、一子相伝で受け継がれてきました。



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